
If you are under police investigation or have been charged with a criminal offence, you will suddenly find yourself confronted by the intimidating machinery of the criminal justice system. 

In addition to the loss of your reputation, you will be facing penalties ranging from fines to probation to jail time, as well as the potentially serious collateral consequences resulting from a criminal conviction, such as restrictions on employment and travel, loss of licenses, or increased insurance premiums. The criminal justice system is highly complex and unforgiving. To maximize your chances of successfully navigating through this potential nightmare from the moment of your first contact with the police until the case against you is finally concluded, it is essential to hire a highly skilled, experienced criminal defence lawyer who is intimately familiar with the system and possesses the necessary skills to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Having successfully defended every type of criminal case over the course of many years, from first degree murder to shoplifting, and everything in between, the lawyers at Eisen Dyer LLP have honed their skills and experience so that you can place yourself in their hands with complete trust and confidence.

Contact a Lawyer Immediately

The role of a criminal defence lawyer is not confined to the courtroom. Do not wait until you are arrested and charges have been laid because by then considerable damage may have already been done. As soon as you have reason to believe that you are involved in a criminal investigation, contact a criminal lawyer immediately, before speaking to the police or any other authority.

The lawyers at Eisen Dyer LLP will offer you invaluable advice regarding your dealings with the police. They will advise you about what to expect when you are contacted by the police and how to protect your rights. It is most important that you have a proper understanding of the risks involved when dealing with the police so that you will be in a position to respond appropriately and will not do damage to your case.

Bail Hearing, Trials, and Plea Negotiations

Following your arrest, the lawyers can help to secure your release from custody on bail or another forms of release pending your trial. If you have been charged and released, it is important to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that important evidence is not lost and to begin planning your defence strategy so that you are in a position to deal intelligently with what lies ahead.

You can count on the lawyers at Eisen Dyer LLP to protect your fundamental rights at every stage of the process and to ensure that you understand exactly what you are facing, what to expect, and how to conduct yourself as the proceedings unfold. In some cases, it may be advisable to negotiate a plea bargain with the Crown Attorney to plead guilty to a lesser charge to minimize the potential consequences: for example, in order to avoid a jail sentence or loss of license, or to negotiate a withdrawal of the charges in exchange for agreeing to a peace bond, performing community service, or making a charitable donation.

If your case goes to trial, the lawyers at Eisen Dyer LLP will formulate and execute the best defence strategy available to you, based upon the unique facts of your case. They will examine all of the evidence and legal issues to find the flaws and weaknesses in the case for the prosecution and the strengths in the case for the defence. They will work together with you and your witnesses to ensure that you are fully and properly prepared for trial. Finally, and most importantly, they will fight fearlessly to protect your rights at trial. They will present your case to the court forcefully and intelligently based on a wealth of experience — a formula which has yielded countless successful results for clients over the years.


In addition to defending cases at trial, the lawyers at Eisen Dyer LLP have extensive experience handling appeals at every level of court for individuals who wish to challenge their convictions or sentences. They can provide you with excellent advice regarding the feasibility of pursuing this avenue of redress.

Contact Us

The lawyers and staff at Eisen Dyer LLP are experts in their field. Whatever you are charged with, whether it be murder or shoplifting or anything in between, we will treat you with the utmost sympathy and respect, and will do everything in our power to achieve the best possible result for you.